Hello and welcome. Once you understand how to operate the basics of chat g p T, you’ll be able to overcome a blank screen when you need to produce content or you need to produce elements in your business that would otherwise be difficult to construct from scratch. At the same time, you must realize chat GPTs limitations. It does generate incorrect information. It also might produce information, lines, or content that may be harmful to your brand or general.
It is also limited to the content that is on the internet. Now, as of the recording of this video chat, g p t is limited to the world in events as of 2021. That could change by the time you are looking at this video. Regardless, there are limitations, so in your production of artifacts for your business, you will want to focus on accuracy and citation when you can.
But chat G P T will help you to overcome a blank screen, and that is what we will do in this course: undertake the writing of a sales presentation of an information product that you have created. Now, this will not take the place of a personal sales letter, nor will it take the place of a professional copywriter. It will help you if you have a blank screen in front of you.
And so we will start undertaking this process in the next video and this course. Okay? So with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video.
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